
A Fine 艺术 degree with disciplinary depth and multidisciplinary breadth

The 艺术与设计学院 offers a four-year, professional degree program leading to the Bachelor of Fine 艺术 (BFA) degree. 独特的课程设置, which incorporates a specialized approach for each of the academic years of study, 以强调学科深度和跨学科机会的创新而闻名. Here you'll work in state-of-the-art facilities, you'll be provided with individual studios in your senior year, 你将享受在私立大学环境中进入部分国家资助的艺术项目的好处.









  • Studio - 72
  • 学术要求- 25
  • 艺术史- 17
  • 选修课- 14
  • 高级项目- 0
  • Total degree credit hours - 128


The University Global Perspective requirement. 大学全球视野所需的学分可以在要求的学术和/或艺术史要求中获得.

The University Physical Education requirement. 大学体育要求使毕业总学分达到132学分. Note: additional PE activity credits (100-level PHED, EQUS) may not be used toward any degree requirements.

Credit Hour 需求 (BFA with 艺术 Education 小):


*艺术教育副修课程是通过文理学院教育学部提供给博鳌亚洲论坛学生的. BFA的要求调整如下,以考虑艺术教育辅修和教学认证的要求:

  • 工作室- 68
  • 艺术史- 17
  • 文科核心- 19
  • 教育核心- 31
  • 高级项目- 0
  • 总学位学时- 135



Academic 需求 and Electives (For BFA students taking the 小 in 艺术 Education, 学术要求和选修课包括辅修课程要求的文科核心和教育核心,并满足纽约州教育部教师资格认证的指导方针. See the Division of Education for more information on the 小.)

基础课程是一门第一年的课程,旨在通过全面的教学理念产生严格的工作室实践,该教学理念涉及广泛的问题, extending across and beyond artistic disciplines. Individual students bring their own experiences and skills into a community of peers. Drawing is a key component of the Foundations curriculum.

In addition to the Foundations studio courses in the first year, 学生通过三门2学分的非西方艺术课程完成6学分的艺术史课程, 古代到巴洛克艺术, 从现代到当代艺术. First-year students also fulfill academic requirements in writing and humanities.

大二的课程旨在通过介绍特定的工作室领域来加强和进一步发展基础年的工作室经验, all of which support the "high tech, high touch" vision of the School. The curriculum encourages study of studio disciplines represented across each of four Divisions - Ceramic 艺术; Expanded Media; Painting, Drawing and Photography; and Sculpture/Dimensional Studies. Drawing is a key component of the sophomore and junior year curriculum.

二年级学生学习艺术实践发展所必需的基本技能. These include an awareness and ability to understand, 使用和集成流程, 工具, 材料, 和词汇. During this year students choose four studios, 每科一人, or opt to take four studios in three divisions. This allows those who want to focus in a specific medium to do so, while allowing others a more varied studio experience. 这两种选择都是为了让学生为初中和高中课程的挑战做好准备.

The sophomore art history requirement, Issues and Debates in Contemporary 艺术, provides a stimulating and integrated context to the studio experience. 学生还可以通过选择其他学校和学院的选修课程来延长他们的学术经历.

进入大三的学生可以自由地定义自己的兴趣和创作目标. Students naturally become more focused, 整合概念和技术技能,同时在艺术创作中发展个人愿景. 在初级阶段, 学术和选修课程工作培养跨学科实践和本科生研究可能性的兴趣.

大三也是学生们利用出国留学机会的时候. 艺术与设计学院有几个交流项目,包括与法纳姆创意艺术大学的协议, 英格兰, 爱丁堡艺术学院 在苏格兰, Fachhochschule Koblenz University of Applied Sciences in Germany, the Central Academy of Fine 艺术 in Beijing, China, and 悉尼艺术学院新南威尔士大学 在澳大利亚. 这幅图, 绘画和摄影部门通过佛罗伦萨的圣帕雷帕塔国际艺术学院提供暑期课程, 意大利.

高年级学生在自己的工作室半独立地工作,并要求每周与两名教师顾问(导师)会面,讨论他们的工作, 研究与过程. 另外, 长者参加研讨会, 访问艺术家计划, 研讨, 讨论及展览. 确定自己的方向, 高年级学生根据他们的个人经验开发和制作一个一致的工作体系, acquired skills and personal vision. The culmination of the BFA degree is the 毕业论文展览.

During the final two weeks of the academic year, 艺术与设计学院被改造成高质量的展览空间,毕业生可以在这里展示他们的毕业论文. 高级表演的开幕庆典包括来自整个纽约州西部的家庭和众多客人. 在开幕式之后, 学生们回到他们的展览空间,接受最后的评审和教师的批评. 在大四期间获得的动力为毕业生进入工作大军做好了准备,成为高度成就和积极进取的艺术家和设计师.


Our BFA degree programs have two main objectives: to help students develop the commitment and skills necessary to pursue a career in art; and to prepare students for graduate work. 艺术家的结果与其他专业的非常不同——“事业成功”可以定义为销售作品, exhibiting at shows and galleries, freelancing and many other activities.


  • Hot Glass Instructor - Corning Museum
  • 艺术istic Coordinator - MD Productions
  • Internal 设计 and Marketing Representative - Capital Printing Ink
  • Wax sculpture worker - New 艺术
  • Wood Shop Technician - Bucks Rock
  • 馆长-白杨山大厦
  • 图片编辑- Totsy
  • 艺术ist In Residence - Salem 艺术 Works
  • Assistant to an Executive Producer - Fox Television Animation
  • Jewelry 艺术ist - Walker Metalsmiths
  • Scenic Painter - Adirondack Scenic Inc.
  • Color Consultant - Sephora; Home Goods
  • Production Manager - Lifetouch, Inc.
  • Gallery Docent - Wayne County 艺术 Alliance
  • Graphic 设计er - OfficeMax (Corporate Headquarters)
  • Kids Accessory 设计er - Accessory Network Group
  • Production Manager, Jewelry Reproduction - Metropolitan Museum of 艺术
  • Costume Maker - Izquierdo Studio
  • Furniture 设计er/Painter - MacKenzie Childs Ltd.
  • 鞋子设计师- MiuMiu (Prada)
  • Fabrication Specialist - Shedd Aquarium
  • Landscaper; 艺术ist - Watkins Garden Center; Greenhouse Gallery
  • Automotive Sculptor - General Motors of North America
  • Graphic 设计er - Time Magazine


